Mermaids is a quirky coming-of-age comedy-drama set in the early sixties that came out near the end of Hollywood's first Golden Age of angsty/funny teen romps. But Mermaids subverts in ways the brat pack never did. First, this movie features a naked, hairy, post-coital Bob Hoskins—John Hughes would never.
Second, it stars Winona Ryder as an uptight fifteen-year-old wrecked by hormones and sexual desires she doesn't understand. It doesn't help that her mom is single, charismatic—usually the talk of the town—and played by Cher in DGAF mode. Ryder gives a heartfelt performance; she's no eye-rolling Gen X icon in this.
And what a cast, including nine-year-old Christina Ricci. Each one is a lightning bolt. Director Richard Benjamin sits back. Are there problematic scenes? Yes, but that's because life is problematic. The best moment? A mom and her daughters singing, and dancing, and laughing, all is forgiven.
One of the movies I watched on repeat when it came out on VHS! So good.
One of my absolute favourites growing up, and so underrated! Takes me back to happy childhood memories watching it with my Mum and sister.