There's a jail cell interrogation scene in director Just Kurzel's 80's crime saga The Order where FBI agent Terry Husk slowly gets in the face of a helpless white supremacist toadie. He's so close and out of control that you can't tell if he will kiss or bite the suspect.
Jude Law is Husk, a haggard, chain-smoking G-man broken by chasing bad guys. He escapes the stress of hunting the mob in New York to the Pacific Northwest, but unfortunately for Husk, a series of local bank heists lead him to another mob: the Aryan Nation.
Loosely based on a true story, The Order is about a group of racists inspired by the infamous novel 'The Turner Diaries,' which imagines a militia movement overthrowing the U.S. Government and executing "race traitors.” Tye Sheridan is wasted as a local cop, but Nicholas Hoult is terrifying as a bigot with a plan.
I really enjoyed this movie. Well, 'enjoyed' might be the wrong word, but it looks great and I've never seen Jude Law command the screen like this before.