Jerry Seinfeld is a confident first-time director in his new Netflix comedy Unfrosted, the madcap, made-up origin story of beloved breakfast treat Pop-Tarts. He also stars in his debut, and his unflappability in front and behind the camera is one of two reasons this movie doesn't burn in the toaster.
The other is a cast that trusts Seinfeld, including sassy Melissa McCarthy and lovable Jim Gaffigan. There are at least a dozen more comedy greats and random celebrity cameos.
At its best, Unfrosted is an issue of Mad Magazine brought to life—pure joke-a-minute silliness. But it wants to be Blazing Saddles. It's satirical, but of what? '60s optimism? Capitalism? At its worst, it's a little too smug for a full-length Kellogg's commercial. Seinfeld is a master of stand-up and sitcoms. His vinegary observational humor is hilarious, but he's no Mel Brooks, a fast-talking jester who ribs everyone, including himself.
I absolutely hated it. lol I’ll post my comments tomorrow but I appreciate your review and wish mine was as gentle. I feel like the movie’s farcical orientation would’ve worked under a more eccentric director and with lesser known comedians.