This movie lives rent-free in my heart. It reminds me to BE RUFIO

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I saw this at a young age and felt I was definitely supposed to like it more than I did. Still in my single digits, I couldn't articulate why I somehow couldn't jibe with middle-aged Peter Pan. It was especially strange because I was the lone kid in a crowded, very-adult household, where being a "child" was frowned-upon (which is why I'm sort of a silly adult, I guess).

But I did read the novelization for kids, which had many more details the movie omitted. There's the scene in the movie where Peter is being coached to fly, and he somehow can't conjure up a Happy Thought. In the novelization, "summer" is suggested as a Happy Thought to Peter, and in his head, he is discouraged because he thinks "Mosquitoes." It was that moment when I realized, oh, maybe I am a little like him, that's a really good point.


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You’ve been watching movies with your nieces again.

Yeah, anything Robin Williams is in, it’s a winner.

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I'm pretty sure J.M. Barrie would have approved of this film adaptation of Peter Pan more than the others. Spielberg has repeatedly shown himself to be the true heir of the classic fantasy fiction that Barrie and his contemporaries crafted so well in the Victorian era.

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Oof...now this is a film that I watched (at 20), and swore never to look at again. But...

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