Great review & essay! The Omen is a favorite of mine that I didn't come to appreciate until later in life (I was only 4 when it was first released). But it holds up so well and is part of a triumvirate that remains in heavy rotation for me during Halloween, along with The Exorcist and The Witch. That's why The First Omen was such a pleasant surprise to watch. Ineson's version of Brennan was particularly on-point and did homage to Troughton without mockery. It was properly atmospheric and creepy, and makes me want to watch more of Arkasha Stevenson's work.

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I have to say when it comes to chills, The Omen beats The Exorcist every time. Probably because I first saw The Omen when it was shown on TV in the UK and I was about 12 years old. And, bizarrely I'm sure it was on over the Xmas holidays and my parents didn't realise what kind of film it was. I think the title spells it out.

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